What is Kinesiology?

Finding the root cause to our blocks...

The Oxford dictionary defines Kinesiology as "the study of the mechanics of body movements", with the word originating from the Greek words "Kinesis" meaning movement and "ology" meaning the study of.


Developed in the 1960s by chiropractor Dr George Goodheart, Kinesiology (pronounced "Kin-easy-ology") uses the principles of muscles relating to meridian lines (channels of life force throughout the body). There are 14 main meridians in the body and each has a main organ and group of muscles dedicated to it.


For a healthy, well-balanced body, these meridian lines need to be flowing freely and without blockages (as blocks can cause dis-ease and ill health). Blockages can appear in many forms such as physical aches, nutritional intolerances, intense emotional upsets and even spiritual misalignments.  To determine if there is a blockage, the Kinesiologist applies a gentle pressure to a muscle and ascertains if there is a change in strength.

Whether a muscle locks (stays strong) or unlocks (goes weak) will indicate to the Kinesiologist what technique or support to assist the body to ensure a balanced outcome.

Kinesiology allows the practitioner to asks questions of the body and tap into the innate healing wisdom that every body has - but just isn't always able to activate or misinterprets the messages/warning signs the body sends out. Not only can Kinesiology guide the body to heal itself, it is also a fantastic modality at getting to the root cause of the issue and identifying it for the client to choose to clear.


There are many branches of Kinesiology - Applied, PKP, Educational - and whilst they all have the same foundations, each branch tends to specialise in its specific area.


At Talk To Me Clinic, Amber is trained in Progressive Kinesiology - which takes the holistic approach to healing and incorporates all areas equally using emotional, nutritional, physical and energetic techniques to balance and support