After 13yrs as a Business Analyst in the mining industry and running a successful photography business for 2yrs, Amber's desire to focus on things other than career took over.
So she embarked on a soul journey to heal past hurts and make space in her life for love. Amber quit her job in Western Australia, sold all her belongings and packed her two dogs into her car to adventure east, telling anyone who would listen that she was heading to the Sunshine Coast to meet her future husband.
And two weeks after arriving - she did exactly that.
Her determination and focus to achieve what she puts her mind to, and her unique interaction with the Universe and God, make her incredible at manifesting the life she chooses.
After struggling to balance her hormones, clear ovarian cysts and endometriosis for years, and fall pregnant, Amber had almost given up despite trying nearly every trick in the book - including Witch-doctors, Sharmans, Angel healers and even 5 operations with western medicine (and being told she would never carry to full term).
And then she discovered Kinesiology and Homoeopathy.
The results were nothing short of miraculous for Amber - and resulted in two happy, healthy pregnancies and babies. She knew then that she needed to learn these modalities so she could share the power of healing they offered with anyone who was open to listening to their own inner wisdom.
Amber is no longer married but still making space in her life for love. She currently lives in Vasse in Western Australia's beautiful Southwest with her two adorable children and is renowned for her wicked laugh and mango addiction.